Raptor observation - "Art of Raptor Observation" equipment

People have sent me email and many have ask me regarding the type of equipment to be used especially the type of binocular to be used when doing raptor observation. In today market binocular have range from 8X to 12X binocular. While many have converted to 12X many also ask regarding the suitability of 12X binocular in raptor observation. Honestly, I began with an 8X binolucar and upgraded to a 10X binocular. In diameter wise from 25 to 45 have been used. So what is the most suitable range of binocular to be used.

The best for raptor observation to me is still 8X to 10X range. To me anything higher will challange the observer in handling and may not be so suitable especially count is done. If any higher magnification is required a scope will be advice. 8X and 10X both provide good view and coverage which is good for count and also in term of studying their behaviour and to me the 12X will limit some of this ability. 10X and 8X also provide a good pleasure of following the raptor in flight especially when close distance is encountered.

In regards to scope, any scope from 30X and above will do the trick for observation very well. Zoom eye piece enable magnification to be adjusted based on observer wish but in term of cout higher the magnification, the smaller the range you will see as well. On other part this enable observer to have good and closer look. Behaviour and migratory 30X wide angle provide good spotting and viewing ability. 30X also provide good magnification for identification and plumage study including aging. Majority of time, when raptor are observed in flight, we rarely goes up to above 50X magnification. Though some does the skill is controling the scope and also the observer aiming at the bird has to be excellent or else too much time will be focus in doing this rather then observing.

Many people also ask which binocular brand is good for raptor watching. Honestly this is not a question other people can answered on behalf that easily. Most cases it depend on the observer itself and their comfort to the brand and the binocular. Omicron latest modal was a good reliable piece of optic though price range from probably 4-5k and above. This unit provide great view, lots of light penetration and great stability in handling. The Nikon Monarch X provide a great magnification of 10.5X with 44 diameter provide good magnification and also brightness. The Leica was another good piece to used though i have never find comfort in using it. The HD binocular provide advance viewing pleasure and also great observation tool. Swaroski EL provide a good handling when viewing but personal preference  the Omicron and the Monarch X will be still my choice. Nevertheless there is lot of other brand available out there. It will be best to choose your optic after trying it out well. I have never really try out Carl Ziess but in review term should be great. Other optic such as the swarosvision was another one with great optic review for raptorphilie where I hope to be able to try it out too. So go out and start observing raptors.


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