Batang Tiga - Asian Openbill Stork

Frankly though this is not a lifer for me, the more I read the more confuse I get. Initially, I thought the duller colour would make them a juvenile. Then when the more readings at home i came across,  the pinkish leg would make them adult non breeding. So honestly, I'm a bit confuse but as I was using other guide the pinkish leg was mention in many text as adult rather then juvenile. So I think most of the individual here are adult non breeding. However there is some individual with paler leg. That mean juvenile? Here is some shot of the Asian Openbill in the confuse age of over 150 shot in a very short time.
Asian Openbill
(Photo taken by Terence & Eileen)
Asian Openbill
(Photo taken by Terence & Eileen)
Asian Openbill
(Photo taken by Terence & Eileen)
Asian Openbill
(Photo taken by Terence & Eileen)
Asian Openbill
(Photo taken by Terence & Eileen)


  1. great! was there the day before too. a few had white plumages which could it indicate the nearing of breeding (?). Many juvies too with no gaps between bills

  2. The white I agree. Jes I realise some individual with very dul colour leg which is not pinkish as well should be juvy. Huge range of gap between bill. Thanks for the info...


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