"All Over Selangor"

I have been moving all over Selangor since this 2 week and have to say hardly at home. Almost all weekend in Batang Tiga which is in Malacca weekdays and saturday around Selangor region. Though many travel far to see some rarities we should not forget our local feathered friend too :).
This Blue-Winged Leafbird prove not an easy target to get but hopefully I can change my adapter something which enable more mobility soon.
Blue-Winged Leafbird
(Photo taken by Terence Ang)
Other target such as this Lesser Racket Tailed Drongo up in the montane of Selangor bordering pahang.
Lesser Racket-Tailed Drongo
(Photo taken by Terence Ang)
Some Streaked Spiderhunter which reluctantly post for a while.
Streaked Spiderhunter
(Photo taken by Terence Ang)
Little Pied Flycatcher is never a miss.
Little Pied Flycatcher
(Photo taken by Terence Ang)
Some good rarities such as this Grey-Headed Lapwing. Maybe less then 5 record in Selangor.
Grey-Headed Lapwing
(Photo taken by Terence Ang)
I always amaze with this smallest of them all the Black Thighed Falconet but honestly this location is never good for photography. Lighting wise this probably the best I have ever got from this location.
Black-Thighed Falconet
(Photo taken by Terence Ang)

Blue-Eared Barbet probably fighting with a nest hole with the Red Crowned Barbet was an interesting yet a very far target to obtain any good shot.
Blue-Eared Barbet
(Photo taken by Terence Ang)
And this Woodswallow seem to be another hard sight as well. First digiscope picture.
White-Breasted Woodswallow
(Photo taken by Terence Ang)


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