A post for hope - Asian Openbill Stork

Honestly I'm no expert in stork. In fact this probably never come across my mind to study them. However this post with this additional picture in the hope that anyone would be able to make a good use of it in anyway. By the way for other hope this provide some viewing pleasure to you all.

Some observation on sunday was majority on the flock was not foraging however those which are foraging were all individual which stayed on the side a little away from the main flock. In one of the reference it does mention that the Openbill forages in smaller group. Moving along with this group, prove to be a fulfilling experience. When I first saw the Asian Openbill in Permatang Pauh we never thought the figure would double. Later on 10 individual was observed. A few year later a thousand was counted in Kuala Gula and in front of me 100+ individual. Well thing would just get batter.
Asian Openbill
(Photo taken by Terence & Eileen)
Asian Openbill
(Photo taken by Terence & Eileen)
Asian Openbill
(Photo taken by Terence & Eileen)


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