Butterfly and Moth - Selangor

Here is another few species seen in this recent trip. The Malay Baron one in one corner of the whole area but once you are there they are all over the ground.
Malay Baron
(Photo taken by Terence & Eileen)

The Malay Punchinello was a small and difficult to spot feller. Took me a while before it settle down for me to take a few photo.
Malay Punchinello
(Photo taken by Terence & Eileen)

Some other small are such as this Small Branded Swift.
Small Branded Swift
(Photo taken by Terence & Eileen)

Some easily seen not easy to take a shot for me is this The Malay Staff Sergent. 
The Malay Staff Sergent
(Photo taken by Terence & Eileen) 
It was a tiring and a very hot day but this increase in number of butterfly was very interesting. Other species seen are such as the Plain Tiger, Chocolate Albatross and lots of Grass Yellow.


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