Grey Headed Fish-Eagle

 Grey-Headed Fish-Eagle probably one of the most unique species in fish eagle family I come across. Very restricted to their own location and rare venture far with territory size can have a rather wide gap of deviation between one pair to another.

In this little small area of mine playground 3 different nest was observed one on each specific site. This site however have 3 individual. I have seen all the 3 nest with their eaglet previously but they don't seem to used back old nest after a while. Old nest to left for some time before revisit. This time around the nest was empty.

This bird was first observed to land on a tree. Looking down for a while before changing to another. It did so for about 3-4 tree before stopping in one. While observing form the perch the GHFE was later seen to drop from perch to the ground. It was later seen feeding. Not long after it move to a perch and changes for another 2 perch before this photo below was taken. I have never observed GHFE hunting all this time. Today observation make them differ from what I think that they will prefer similar technique like WBSE of which the GHFE prefer the perching hunting method. While this show changes of 4 tree before getting a fish it is not know what is the success rate for this species in all this 3 location. It will be interesting if someone will conduct such research here and compare it with other habitat and also other country.

Meanwhile below are the photo of the above describe individual.


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