NCRRU - Brown Hawk Owl

Brown Hawk-Owl or also know as Brown Boobook a species of owl which is common distributed throughout Peninsula Malaysia region. I must admit the further north you go the easier to see this bird. There were much more common in some of the west coast off shore island. As the name suggest, the appearance of very hawk like especially in flight suit its name very well. Plumage wise I guess we need not say any further. This bird was know to call from perch. I have never observed this species to call in flight as other raptor do.
Brown Hawk-Owl
(Photo by Terence Ang)
This species have been observed to feed on large insect. In a few occasion, hawk moth and also cicada was observed. In one instant, after feeding the bird was seen using a leaf to clean the bill. Besides, other prey material such as lizard and possible crab was also observed.
Brown Hawk-Owl
(Photo by Terence Ang)
2 subspecies in the country recorded. Nominate scutulata race was the most common subsoecies recorded. This subspecies have been recorded up to 2000m asl in Peninsula Malaysia. The migratory japonica which could have been a independent species (Northern Boobook) is rare and know from a few sighting up north in Peninsula Malaysia. This species in the Peninsula were mainly all recorded along coastal and never far from mangrove and coastal area. In Peninsular this species is unlikely to be confuse with other species.


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